Wales: England’s Colony?

MW_WalesColony_6_1024x1024Wales: England’s Colony? was a 2019 book and BBC television series exploring the relationship between Wales and England. It was intended to challenge its audience to reconsider Wales’ historical relationship with England and its place in the world.

The book can be bought direct from the publishers here: or from Amazon here.

Both episodes can be viewed on YouTube. The links are below. said of the book: “I doubt anyone will agree with all of Martin Johnes’ emphases and conclusions, but Wales: England’s Colony? is an extremely able survey of our history that deserves to be widely read, both by Welsh people as a corrective to some cherished convictions, and by the English who, as he points out, so frequently misunderstand Wales, seeing us still (when they think about Wales at all) as not quite up to the mark, not quite as good as them.”

The Wales Arts Review discussion of the book can be found here.
A Radio Wales discussion of the book can be listened to here.

There was also an accompanying series of podcasts where I discussed different issues in the Welsh past with other historians. These were recorded in a Cardiff pub and broadcast under the title “The Pub Historian”. They are online here.

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